British Smaller Companies VCT2 Plc

Dividend re-investment scheme

The Company’s Dividend Re-Investment Scheme (“DRIS”)  has proved extremely effective in allowing Shareholders the opportunity to re-invest dividends in the Company and this has led to a regular and consistent re-investment by many Shareholders.  DRIS Shares are issued at the last reported net asset value in line with all other generalist VCTs that operate a DRIS, or equivalent.   The BSC2 DRIS provides investors a tax efficient way of building up their shareholding as an alternative to receiving dividends in cash.

  • Tax free dividends are re-invested in new shares at the most recently announced net asset value*
  • Newly acquired shares attract 30% income tax relief

*   as adjusted for the relevant dividend, if this has not already been recognised.

The chart below shows the returns received by investors over the last 5 years to 31 March 2024 based on an initial investment of £10,000. In each case the first bar shows the return of an investor receiving cash dividends and the second bar an investor choosing to re-invest their dividends under the terms of the DRIS, thereby receiving additional shares, additional dividends on those shares and the associated tax reliefs.

Terms and Conditions & Mandate Form

Registered Office of British Smaller Companies VCT2 plc: 4th Floor, 2 Bond Court, Leeds LS1 2JZ. Registered No: 04084003. Corporate Governance: A full section on corporate governance is available in the latest BSC2 Annual Report which can be found in the Investor Information section of this website.
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