British Smaller Companies VCT Plc

Dividend re-investment scheme

The Company’s Dividend Re-Investment Scheme (“DRIS”)  has proved extremely effective in allowing Shareholders the opportunity to re-invest dividends in the Company and this has led to a regular and consistent re-investment by many Shareholders.  DRIS Shares are issued at the last reported net asset value in line with all other generalist VCTs that operate a DRIS, or equivalent.   The BSC DRIS provides investors a tax efficient way of building up their shareholding as an alternative to receiving dividends in cash.

  • Tax free dividends are re-invested in new shares at the most recently announced net asset value*
  • Newly acquired shares attract 30% income tax relief

*   as adjusted for the relevant dividend, if this has not already been recognised.

The chart below shows the returns received by investors over the last 5 years to 31 March 2024 based on an initial investment of £10,000. In each case the first bar shows the return of an investor receiving cash dividends and the second bar an investor choosing to re-invest their dividends under the terms of the DRIS, thereby receiving additional shares, additional dividends on those shares and the associated tax reliefs.

Terms and Conditions and Mandate Form

Registered Office of British Smaller Companies VCT plc: 4th Floor, 2 Bond Court, Leeds LS1 2JZ. Registered No: 03134749. Corporate Governance: A full section on corporate governance is available in the latest BSC Annual Report which can be found in the Investor Information section of this website.
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