British Smaller Companies VCT2 Plc

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Buying and Selling Shares

The Company’s ordinary shares can be bought and sold through a stockbroker in the same way as any other company quoted on the London Stock Exchange. There may be tax implications in respect of selling all or part of your holdings, so shareholders should contact their independent financial adviser if they have any queries. The Company operates a policy of buying its own shares for cancellation as they become available. The Company is, however, unable to buy back shares directly from shareholders. If you are considering selling your shares or trading in the secondary market, please contact the Company’s corporate broker, details below. The broker can provide details of closed periods (when the Company is prohibited from buying in shares) and details of the price at which the Company has brought in shares.


Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited
One New Change, London, EC4M 9AF

Chris Lloyd
020 7886 2716
[email protected]

Registered Office of British Smaller Companies VCT2 plc: 4th Floor, 2 Bond Court, Leeds LS1 2JZ. Registered No: 04084003. Corporate Governance: A full section on corporate governance is available in the latest BSC2 Annual Report which can be found in the Investor Information section of this website.
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