Latest news
18 February 2020
Nearly 40 per cent of all boards in YFM Equity Partners’ growth portfolio have at least one female director – better than the statistics for the FTSE 250.
David Hall, managing director of YFM Equity Partners, said the business was interested to see the diversity and inclusiveness of the companies within its venture capital trust portfolios.
When it looked into the Growth Portfolio, the statistics revealed six of the companies in which it invests had female chief executives, while nearly 40 per cent of all the boards had at least one female director.
He commented: “What was interesting was that these figures are better than the FTSE 250 where there has been a positive push supported by the London Stock Exchange and the regulator to improve the diversity.
“In the unquoted venture market there has been no such push, but it is encouraging to see a better representation. This doesn’t mean that there isn’t further to go, but the fact that firms like ours are now capturing the information and seeking to promote further diversity can only be a good thing.”