Impact Case Studies
Fournet is an example of a company addressing a key ESG issue which should have a significant impact on the success of its business.
FourNet is aiming to address employee engagement in a number of ways and set itself the target of winning a place in the Times 100 best places to work in the UK in 2021. The publication has been postponed for a year but nevertheless FourNet is being assessed by Best Companies to see how it compares to other companies aspiring to appear in the Top 100 list.
This gives Fournet a framework to work to as the award involves a process to demonstrate good scores in 8 specific areas of employee engagement:
Leadership – the heads and senior managers of the company
My Manager – the local management on a day-to-day basis
Personal Growth – opportunities to learn skills and advance
Wellbeing – balancing work-life issues
My Team – immediate colleagues
Giving Something Back – giving back to society and to the community
My Company – the company and the way it treats staff
Fair Deal – pay and benefits
We hope to be able to report on their progress with this in future reports. If successful, this should also significantly improve their ratings in “Valuing our People”.