British Smaller Companies VCT2 Plc

KID, Risks and Inside Information

Key Information Document

Under EU Regulation No. 1286/2014 the company is defined as a manufacturer of a Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Product (“PRIIP”) and is therefore required to provide a Key Information Document (“KID”).  This KID relates to the purchase of the Company’s shares in the secondary market and purchasers of the Company’s shares should note that a broker and/or adviser may charge additional costs to those set out in the KID.

It should be noted that past performance of the Company is not a reliable indicator of the future performance of the Company and may not be repeated.

Download the KID for British Smaller Companies VCT2 plc here


Potential investors are strongly urged to seek independent professional advice when considering an investment in British Smaller Companies VCT2 plc (BSC2 or the Company). Although the significant tax benefits available to investors in Venture Capital Trusts (VCTs) balance the risk of the investment, there are a number of risk factors of which investors should be aware.

Download the full risks document for British Smaller Companies VCT2 plc

Inside Information

Registered Office of British Smaller Companies VCT2 plc: 4th Floor, 2 Bond Court, Leeds LS1 2JZ. Registered No: 04084003. Corporate Governance: A full section on corporate governance is available in the latest BSC2 Annual Report which can be found in the Investor Information section of this website.
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